Well, Harry Styles shaved his head


Alarm bells ring! Media alert! (Well I guess were the media.) Harry styles He shaved his head! I repeat, Harry Edward Styles has shaved his head and we… are not okay.

By now, we all know that Styles loves a well-timed hair transformation. Personally, I’ll never forget where he was when I heard he cut his long, wavy hair. (He later he donated it make a wig for a child with cancer.) Now, new photos have emerged of the star with virtually no hair at all, making this he the most dramatic transformation he has made so far.

As pointed out TMZHarry Styles was seen at a U2 concert at the Las Vegas Sphere venue with his rumored girlfriend Taylor Russell, but it wasn’t his concert PDA that caught fans’ attention. It was the fact that Styles had practically no hair left on his head. Gone was the messy short cut and in its place, a full haircut. Apparently, it was time for a change.

Harry Styles’ haircut, which you can see for yourself herecomes on the heels of long speculation that he’s actually bald and her beautiful hair is actually the result of toupees and hairpieces. As of 2022, there were more than two million videos about a possible conspiracy about Styles’ hair, which began on the viral celebrity gossip account DeuxMoi. “This top musician and occasional actor has a dirty little secret that he hasn’t shared with his fans. Literally! He’s gone almost completely bald. His hairpiece is so realistic that only a keen eye could make it out, and that’s in “Bad day,” one insider wrote. At first, fans thought he was Machine Gun Kelly, but that idea was squashed. Thus, an avalanche of theories about: Styles began and “Baldarry” was born.

Of course, those conspiracy theories, many of them tongue-in-cheek, are just that, theories, and we have about zero percent real information about the state of Styles’ follicles. If he was wearing a hairpiece all that time, his creator needs a Nobel Prize. But at the end of the day, a haircut is just a haircut, and maybe he just felt like a change or needed a break from styling products. (Or maybe it was a reaction to Taylor Swift’s song “Now That We Don’t Talk,” which contains some scathing lyrics probably about Styles letting his hair grow long after they dated.) We’ll miss that thick, luscious hair, but Hey, it’ll grow back.


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